
Vladimír Zapletal

freelance backend developer

Past work

1.2019 - 4.2019 I was part of team at damejidlo.cz.
technologies: PHP 7.2, Nette, Doctrine, RabbitMQ
5.2018 - 11.2018 I was part of international team at OutdoorVisit.com.
Main responsibilities:
  • developing product main functionality
  • code reviews
  • creation of SDK for reservation systems Rezdy and Bokun
technologies: PHP 7.2, Symfony 4.1, MariaDB, Doctrine, PHPUnit, PHPstan, Git, Gitlab CI
11.2017 - 03.2018 Created API wrappers and then implemented them to e-commerce solutions for client Clear 01 Development
technologies: Nette, Guzzle
01.2017 - 06.2017 Created REST API for mobile application(not released yet) for client CLEEVIO
technologies: Silex, Symfony(console, security), RabbitMQ, FCM(firebase cloud messaging) a FFmpeg
01.2012 - 06.2016 Project for eSports.cz s.r.o. client:
  • For Czech Olympic Committee I was head of programmers team working on odm.cz project. It is information system for organasing every year of czech olympic for children. Functions: accreditation of athletes, results processing and CMS.
    technologies: Nette, Doctrine(ORM, Migrations), Symfony components(console, event dispatcher)
  • Player registration system for Czech Ice Hockey Association - not public
    For Czech Ice Hockey Association I built information system for registrating all transfers, hostings and registration of players for all top czech hockey leagues. One of the biggest problem was migrating data from old desktop application.
    technologies: Nette, Doctrine(ORM, Migrations), Symfony components(Console, EventDispatcher)
  • Information system with API for live collection hockey match data - not public
    Application used for top czech hockey leagues and for czech national team games
    technologies: Nette, Doctrine(ORM, Migrations), Symfony components(console, event dispatcher)
10.2010 - 11.2011 Creating new and maintaining old modules for client fajny-web.cz e-commerce solutions
  • nej-ceny.cz
  • harasim.info
  • obchod-setrilek.cz
technologies: Inhouse PHP framework, Symfony components(event dispatcher, console, config), Doctrine (DBAL, migrations)


email: vladimir@vladimirzapletal.cz
Reg.no.: 87363852

Bank account: 2400090526/2010 (Fio)
IBAN: CZ6820100000002400090526